Course Description
1/26/2025 2:41:39 AM CST

Review Selected Course

Course Info
Course IDFL20210308222
Course TitleFL20210308222 - Controlled : Cert in Fort Myers: 6/28/21-7/1/21
Manual LanguageEnglish
Delivery MethodIn Person
Course TypeCertification
Class TypeControlled
Max Seats11
Remaining Seats0
Wait ListYes
Virtual Kickoff Session
Virtual Check Point 1
Virtual Check Point 2
Virtual Check Point 3
In Person Day 1
In Person Day 2
Registration Deadline
Additional Local Fee
NOTE: Any local fees must be paid directly to the local agency. Contact the course lead instructor for information on how to pay local fees. SAFE KIDS does not accept local fees.
Course DescriptionYou must be at least 18 years old at the time the course starts. The standardized child passenger safety technician (CPST) certification course is usually 3-4 days long and combines classroom instruction, hands-on work with car seats and vehicles, and a community safety seat checkup. Attendance is required for the entire course. CDC guidelines will be enforced. Masks must be worn during class by everyone. $25 local fee to be paid on the first day of class.
LocationSouth Trail Fire Department Station 62
Address113500 Sophomore Ln
CityFort Myers
Course NotesCDC Social distancing, masks required when indoors. Class is a controlled course created for one agency.
Date/Time Info
06/28/2021 (Mon)09:00 am - 05:00 pm8.00
06/29/2021 (Tue)09:00 am - 05:00 pm8.00
06/30/2021 (Wed)08:00 am - 05:00 pm9.00
07/01/2021 (Thu)09:00 am - 05:00 pm8.00
Total: 33.00
Instructor Info
Lead Instructor
NameSally Kreuscher
Lead Instructor Phone239-343-8319
Lead Instructor
Additional Instructors
NameCert ID
Sally Kreuscher
Juliana Whitaker
Kim A Herrmann
Amy E Bollen

You will be put on the waiting list for course ID FL20210308222. Once a seat becomes available, the lead instructor will have the option to allow you to register for this course. Instructor approval is required for all controlled courses. There are 0 people on the waiting list.

Important: To pass the course, technician candidates must participate in a community check up event with families and children. If there is any reason you are unable to meet this requirement, legal or otherwise, do not continue with the registration process. You are ineligible to become a certified passenger safety technician.