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Find a CPS Technician
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This directory is provided as a way for parents and caregivers to contact technicians for information and assistance. We ask that you refrain from using the information on this site for your own business purposes.

Fill in the form below with whatever information you know. You don't have to fill in the entire form. For more results, use fewer fields. The more fields you use, the more the search will be restricted.

If you include the city and state, results will also be shown on a map after the results list.

This search only shows currently certified technicians who have approved that their information be public. If they are not in this list, ask to see their current CPS Technician Wallet Card or call Customer Service to confirm their certification: 202-875-6330.

What should you, as a caregiver, expect from a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST)?   Click Here

Interested in becoming a CPS Tech?   Click Here

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    CPS Technician Last Name Certification Type
    State ExtraTraining
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    City Virtual Education
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